FIPの権威者 ペドスン博士情報です。
Dr. Niels C. Pedersen
Niels C. Pedersen, Center for Companion Animal Health,
University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA, 95616
CONTACT: ncpedersen@ucdavis.edu
年度(Year) | 教育機関(Educational institution) |
1972 | Ph.D. – Experimental Pathology and Immunology, JCSMR, ANU, Canberra, Australia |
1968 | Internship – Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, CSU, Ft. Collins, Colorado |
1967 | Internship – Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, CSU, Ft. Collins, Colorado |
1965 | B.S. – University of California, Davis, CA |
1963 | Pre-Veterinary – University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada |
1961 | Moapa Valley High School, Overton, Nevada |
年度(Year) | 受賞歴(Honors, Awards) |
2012 | AVMF/Winn Feline Foundation award for outstanding contribution to feline medicine |
2003 | International Award for 2003 for Outstanding Contribution to Feline Medicine, European Society of Feline Medicine. |
1997 | WSAVA/WALTHAM (World Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association) International Award for Scientific Achievement (April 4, 1997) |
1996 | Faculty Teaching Award 1996, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis |
1996 | In Recognition, Niels C. Pedersen for his formative contributions to feline retrovirus research and his generosity in furthering the work of other scientists worldwide, Third International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium Organizing Committee Award, Fort Collins, CO (March 9, 1996) |
1996 | Honorary Doctor’s Degree from the University of Utrecht (Conferred May, 1996) |
1995 | Honorary Doctor’s Degree from the University of Zurich (awarded at Dies Academicus Celebration, April 29, 1995) |
1991 | UCD Alumni Citation for Excellence Award |
1991 | Jean Holzworth Lecturer, Angell Memorial Animal Hospital and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
1991 | Nelson Lecturer, University of Edinburgh |
1991 | Bourgelat Award, The British Small Animal Veterinary Association for outstanding contributions to the Field of Small Animal Practice |
1987 | Outstanding Alumni Award, VM, University of California, Davis |
1987 | Beecham Award for Research Excellence |
1983 | Carnation Award for Feline Research |
1982 | Ralston Purina Award for Excellence – Veterinary Research |
1977 | First Recipient of the Cat Fanciers Association Medal of Honor in the Field of Science |
1972 | Ph.D. With High Commendation |